17th May 2023 APCM Minutes


Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council

Date: Wednesday 17th May 2023            

Venue: Glentworth Village Hall

Attendance: Councillors: J. Latham, W. Annibal, C. Montgomery, H Fitzpatrick, E. Rook, C. Hebborn.  Also attending: G. Monks (Clerk), District Councillor Howitt-Cowan and one member of the public.


1705/0 Public Session

A member of the parish explained concerns over the condition of Hillside Road and requested that the Parish Council assists with a road adoption request to Lincolnshire County Council.

1705/1 Election of Chairman and receive Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Councillors RESOLVED to elect Councillor Latham as Chairman. Councillor Latham accepted. The declaration of acceptance was signed.

1705/2 Apologies for absence

Apologies received and accepted from Councillor H Fitzpatrick, PCSO McFaul.

1705/3 Election of Vice- Chairman

Councillors RESOLVED to elect Councillor Annibal as Vice-Chairman. The declaration of acceptance was signed.

1705/4 Receive declaration of Acceptance Forms

Councillors handed forms to the Clerk who witnessed these.

1705/5 Consider Co-Option for Councillor Vacancy

Councillors agreed that this should be advertised and a co-option should be made as soon as possible.

1705/6 Election of other Officers and Committee representatives

Councillors RESOLVED that the Village Hall representative is Councillor Hebborn and the GDPR representative is Councillor Hebborn.

1705/7 Minutes of the Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council held on Wednesday 29th March 2023

Councillors RESOLVED to approve the Minutes taken on 29th March 2023.

1705/8 To Review and Approve Standing Orders

Councillors RESOLVED to approve and adopt the Standing Orders. 

1705/9 To Review and Approve Financial Regulations

Councillors RESOLVED to approve and adopt the Financial Regulations.

1705/10 To appoint an Internal Auditor for 2023/24

Councillors RESOLVED to defer a decision on who to appoint until the next meeting.

170511 To Review and Approve the Health and Safety Policy

Councillors RESOLVED to approve and adopt the Health and Safety Policy.

1705/12 To Review and Approve the procedure for handling requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000

Councillors RESOLVED to approve and adopt the Freedom of Information Act procedure.

1705/13 To Review and Approve Equal Opportunity Policy

Councillors RESOLVED to approve and adopt Equal Opportunity Policy.

1705/14 To Review and Approve Complaints Procedure

Councillors RESOLVED to approve and adopt the Complaints Procedure.

1705/15 To Review and Approve Disciplinary and Grievance Hearing Procedure

Councillors RESOLVED to approve and adopt Disciplinary and Grievance Hearing Procedure.

1705/16 To Review and Approve the Data Protection Policy

Councillors RESOLVED to approve and adopt the Data Protection Policy.

1705/17 To confirm Councillors had reviewed their Register of Interests

Councillors confirmed that these had been reviewed and notice of unchanged circumstance form had been completed.

1705/18 To adopt the section 137 limit 2023/24

Councillors RESOLVED to adopt the s137 limit of £9.93 per person on the electoral register.

1705/19 To consider 2023/24 PC Meeting dates/time/venue

Councillors RESOLVED to approve the meeting dates proposed by the Clerk. Councillors agreed that future meetings should be in the meeting room of the Village Hall.

1705/20 Review the Internal Audit Report and approve the payment of the fee

The report was received and accepted. Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to pay the audit fee.

1705/21 External Audit Exemption

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously not to declare an exemption.

1705/22 To Review and Approve the 2022/23 Annual Governance Statement

Councillors reviewed the statement.  Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Annual Governance Statement.

1705/23 To consider the 2022/23 Accounting statements

Councillors considered the accounting statements.

1705/24 To Approve the 2022/23 Accounting Statements

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the accounting statements.

1705/25 Chairman to sign and date the Accounting Statements

The Chairman signed the Accounting Statements document.

1705/26 Review and Approve payroll administration fee

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to pay the payroll fee of £156.

1705/27 Police Report

No police report was received.

1705/28 District Council and County Council Issues

The report from District Councillor Howitt- Cowan was noted. The Chairman congratulated him on his re-election. There was no report from the County Councillor.

1705/29 Clerks Report

The Clerk report was noted by Councillors.

1705/30 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered:

146586, Land adjacent to Chapel Lane Glentworth Gainsborough DN21 5DE, proposed outdoor equestrian arena with perimeter fencing for private recreational use. Councillor Hebborn declared a prejudicial interest due to the proximity to his property. Councillors recorded no comments.

146694, Hall Farm, Middle Street, Glentworth, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 5DA, prior notification to erect steel portal framed agricultural building for crop storage.  Councillors recorded no comments.

1705/31 Accounts

Councillors RESOLVED to approve the financial report and approve electronic payments 710 to 713.

                Payee                                                                                                                                                                   Amount

710         S. Tymoszczuk (reimbursement for plants)                                                                                            £40

711         DG Accountants (Blyton) Ltd (payroll administration fees)                                                             £156

712         B. Solly (Internal Audit Fee)                                                                                                                         £30

713         Glentworth Village Hall (Room Hire)                                                                                                         £105

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the year end statement to 31/3/23.

1705/32 To receive reports for discussion

Play Area and Pocket Park risk assessment Report by the Clerk:  The Clerk reported that the play park equipment was operationally safe to use. The defibrillators are emergency ready. Councillor Hebborn said that he would contact the ecologist who has undertaken a survey of Pocket Park.  Councillor Rook agreed to paint the name ‘Queen Elizabeth 11’ on the boat in the play area along with a Lincolnshire flag.

Clock Repair: There was discussion and Councillor Annibal was asked to establish whether the issue continued to be a concern.

Glentworth/ Harpswell Bridleway: The consultation period is underway and ends on 2nd June 2023.

Christmas Tree: The Clerk noted he had received a report showing a Cadent gas pipe running adjacent to Stoney Lane footpath. Further information on other buried utilities will be requested from BT, Anglian Water and Northern Powergrid.

IGas: There was discussion about the next steps and whether monitoring equipment would be useful.

Parish Council Social Media: There was a general consensus amongst Councillors that there is no need for a social media site for the Parish Council.

1705/33 Correspondence for Information

All correspondence was noted by Councillors. 

1705/34 Date of Next Meeting

The next Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council will be on Wednesday 28th June 2023.



Meeting Ended: 21.30