26th July 2021 Minutes


Minutes of the Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council

Date: Monday 26th July 2021     

Venue: Glentworth Village Hall

Attendance: Councillors: J.Latham (Chairman), W. Annibal, C. Montgomery, H Fitzpatrick, C. Hebborn, S. Tymoszczuk.  Also attending: District Councillor Howitt-Cowan.


2607/1 Apologies for absence

Apologies received and accepted from E.Rook, County Councillor Perraton-Williams and PCSO McFaul.  G. Monks (Clerk) listened remotely.  It was agreed that Councillor Annibal would take notes of the meeting decisions.

2607/2 Declarations of interest and dispensations from members in accordance with the Local Government

1. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items.  Councillor Hebborn declared an interest with respect to agenda item 7 (143219) due to living adjacent to the plot.  Councillor Latham declared an interest as he knows the applicant.

2. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items.         None declared

2607/3 Minutes of the Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council held on Monday 21st June 2021

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Minutes taken on 21st June 2021.

2607/4 Clerks Report

Councillors noted the report.

2607/5 Chairman's/ Vice Chairman's report on activities undertaken on behalf of the PC

The Chairman said he had been liaising with the Clerk about the issue with the defibrillator on the Village Hall.

The Vice Chairman reported no activities.

2607/6 Representative Reports

County Council Issues: No update received.  The Clerk was asked to contact the County Councillor to establish whether she will attend future meetings.

District Council Issues: Councillors thanked the District Councillor for his report. It was highlighted that WIFI would be connected to the Village Hall soon.

Police report: There was no report received.

2607/7 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered

143219, Land adjacent to Chapel Lane Glentworth Gainsborough DN21 5DE, erect 2no. dwellings.  The Clerk will return comments requesting a s106 contribution to the play park project and to request a footpath be created on Chapel Lane.     143367, Land between Elizabeth Close and Hawthorn Close Glentworth Gainsborough, for erection of 1no. dwelling being variation of condition 3 of planning permission 141174 granted 17 September 2020 - amendment to plans.  Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to object to this application.  Full comments returned can be found on the West Lindsey Planning website or Parish Council website.

2607/8 Annual Insurance Renewal

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to accept and pay the renewal terms for 2021/22 at a premium of £343.13.

2607/9 Accounts

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the financial report and authorise electronic payments 644 to 646.

                Payee                                                                                                                                                                   Amount

644 G..Monks (salary June 2021)                                                                                                                              

645 Paul The Gardener (Pocket Park Maintenance)                                                                                          £52.50

646 BHIB (Annual Insurance Premium)                                                                                                   £343.13


2607/10 To receive reports for discussion

Play Area and Pocket Park risk assessments: The Clerk reported that equipment is operationally safe to use and the Hawthorne Close defibrillator is emergency ready. The Village Hall defibrillator is currently unavailable due to a cabinet fault. The hedges around Pocket Park require cutting.  The Clerk will ask Paul The Gardener to do this work.

Recreation area project: Councillor Latham provided an update noting that funding is being investigated with a view to apply to three funding options.

COVID-19: There was no change to measures.

Northlands Road Track: Councillor Montgomery said that Glentworth Scottish Farms will be rollering the track.  The Clerk confirmed he had sent a letter to the owner of Glentworth Hall requesting that the Laurel hedge adjacent to the track is cut back.  No reply has been received.  Councillors asked the Clerk to send another letter requesting urgent action.  The Clerk will also contact Glentworth Scottish Farms to request that the trough at the Church street end of the track is moved to a less shady position in order to maintain the health of the plants.

Speed Indicator Device: Councillors reviewed speed data showing an average speed of 28mph into the village in July.  However, there were some very high speeds included.

Footpath to Harpswell: Councillor Latham is working on the appeal. 

Information Room: Councillor Montgomery will update Councillors at the next meeting.

Defibrillator at the Village Hall:  Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to apply for the West Lindsey District Council scheme to replace the defibrillator and cabinet at the Village hall.  A notice will be attached to the existing cabinet to warn parishioners that it is out of order and the nearest alternative is on Hawthorne Close.  The ambulance service have also been notified.  A note will be published on Facebook.

Wildlife Trust and Wildlife Flowers: Councillor Rook is making contact with Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust to assess what is possible for the village.

Broadband Connectivity: Councillor Latham said that the Village Hall needs somebody to check the facility regularly and an agreement needs to be in place between the Village Hall and Parish Council which describes the relationship between the two.  Councillors RESOLVED unanimously that the Clerk should be the Health and Safety representative for the Village Hall with pay made at the Clerk’s hourly rate.

2607/11 Correspondence for Information

All correspondence received was noted.    Councillors agreed that the Neighbourhood Plan should be reviewed in 2022.

2607/12 Minor items/ Agenda items for the next meeting

Councillor Tymoszczuk requested that village seats be on the next agenda.

2607/13 Date of Next Meeting

The next monthly meeting Glentworth Parish Council will be on 8th September 2021 at 7.30pm in Glentworth Village Hall.


Meeting Ended: 21.15