Annual Parish Council Meeting 4th May 2021 Minutes


Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council

Date: Monday 4th May 2021      

Venue: ZOOM

Attendance: Councillors: J. Latham, W. Annibal, C. Montgomery, S. Tymoszczuk, E. Rook, C. Hebborn.  Also attending: G. Monks (Clerk), District Councillor Howitt-Cowan.


0405/1 Election of Chairman and receive Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Councillors RESOLVED to elect Councillor Latham as Chairman. Councillor Latham accepted. The declaration of acceptance will be signed at the next available opportunity.

0405/2 Apologies for absence

Apologies received and accepted from Councillor H Fitzpatrick and PCSO McFaul, County Councillor C. Perraton-Williams.

0405/3 Election of Vice- Chairman

Councillors RESOLVED to elect Councillor Annibal as Vice-Chairman. The declaration of acceptance will be signed at the next available opportunity.

0405/4 Election of other Officers and Committee representatives

Councillors RESOLVED that the Village Hall representative is Councillor Annibal; Play Area project representatives are Councillors Latham, Rook and Hebborn and the GDPR representative is Councillor Hebborn.

0405/5 Minutes of the Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council held on Monday 31st March 2021

Councillors RESOLVED to approve the Minutes taken on 31st March 2021.

0405/6 To Review and Approve Standing Orders

Councillors RESOLVED to approve and adopt the Standing Orders. 

0405/7 To Review and Approve Financial Regulations

Councillors RESOLVED to approve and adopt the Financial Regulations.

0405/8 To appoint an Internal Auditor for 2020/21

Councillors RESOLVED to appoint Bridget Solly as the Internal Auditor.

0405/9 To Review and Approve the Health and Safety Policy

Councillors RESOLVED to approve and adopt the Health and Safety Policy.

0405/10 To Review and Approve the procedure for handling requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000

Councillors RESOLVED to approve and adopt the Freedom of Information Act procedure.

0405/11 To Review and Approve Equal Opportunity Policy

Councillors RESOLVED to approve and adopt Equal Opportunity Policy.

0405/12 To Review and Approve Complaints Procedure

Councillors RESOLVED to approve and adopt the Complaints Procedure.

0405/13 To Review and Approve Disciplinary and Grievance Hearing Procedure

Councillors RESOLVED to approve and adopt Disciplinary and Grievance Hearing Procedure.

0405/14 To Review and Approve the Data Protection Policy

Councillors RESOLVED to approve and adopt the Data Protection Policy.

0405/15 To confirm Councillors had reviewed their Register of Interests

Councillors confirmed that these had been reviewed.

0405/16 To adopt the section 137 limit 2020/21

Councillors RESOLVED to adopt the s137 limit of £8.41 per person on the electoral register.

0405/17 To consider 2021/22 PC Meeting dates/time/venue

Councillors RESOLVED to approve the meeting dates proposed by the Clerk.

0405/18 Review the Internal Audit Report and approve the payment of the fee

The report was received and accepted. Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to pay the audit fee.

0405/19 External Audit Exemption

Counclllors RESOLVED unanimously not to declare an exemption.

0405/20 To Review and Approve the 2020/21 Annual Governance Statement

Councillors reviewed the statement.  Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Annual Governance Statement.

0405/21 To consider the 2020/21 Accounting statements

Councillors considered the accounting statements.

0405/22 To Approve the 2020/21 Accounting Statements

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the accounting statements.

0405/23 Review and Approve payroll administration fee

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to pay the payroll fee of £168.

0405/24 Consider the renewal of ZOOM subscription

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to renew the ZOOM subscription for 2021.22.

0405/25 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered:

142651, The Pebbles 5 Stoney Lane Glentworth Gainsborough DN21 5DF, first floor extension, porch and other internal alterations including new detached garage and workshop. Councillor Hebborn declared an interest due to being a neighbour to the property. Comments were agreed that there is concern that there could be excessive noise from the proposed workshop.

142659, Land south of A631 Hemswell Cliff, approval of reserved matters to erect 163no. dwellings considering appearance, landscaping, layout and scale - following outline planning permission 134720 granted 19 December 2017.  Councillors raised concerns over the impact on congestion on surrounding roads, road safety for pedestrians, the impact on Dog Kennel Lane and B1398, and the impact on key community facilities such as the school, doctors and dentist.  The Clerk will liaise with the clerk of Hemswell Cliff to agree comments.

0405/26 Accounts

Councillors RESOLVED (S Tymozsczuk did not vote) to approve the financial report and approve electronic payments 633 to 638.

                Payee                                                                                                                                                                   Amount

633         G. Monks (March 2021 salary)                                                                                                                   

634         G. Monks (April 2021 salary)                                                                                                                       

635 Paul The Gardener (Pocket Park Maintenance)                                                                                          £35

636 DI Accountants Ltd (Payroll administration)                                                                                  £168

637 B. Solly (Internal Audit)                                                                                                                         £30

638 S Tymoszczuk (Reimbursement plants)                                                                                                          £53.10

0405/27 To receive reports for discussion

Play Area and Pocket Park risk assessment Report by the Clerk:  The Clerk reported that the play park equipment was operationally safe to use.  Some stakes have fallen around the pond in the Pocket Park.  Councillor Hebborn agreed to replace these. The defibrillators are emergency ready.  The Clerk was asked to contact Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust with respect to the health of the pond.

Recreation area project: Further quotations are awaited from Lars LAJ.

Speed Warning Sign:  The speed warning sign is currently located at the bottom of Hanover Hill. Average speed in April for outbound traffic was 27mph and incoming traffic 29mph.  The Clerk was asked to request a speed survey for B1398.

COVID-19: Councillors agreed to continue with the current measures in place.

Northlands Road: The Chairman thanked Councillors Tymoszsczuk for arranging flowers in the troughs at either end of the track.  Councillor Tymoszsczuk expressed his dissatisfaction with the track surface and requested that Glentworth Scottish Farms are asked to do more to improve it.  After discussion Councillor Annibal agreed to request that the stone is compressed using a wacker plate. Concern was also raised about the mud at the Church Street end of the track. 

Footpath to Harpswell: Councillor Montgomery said that it has been difficult to contact the landowner but they will continue to try.

Village Information Room: Councillor Montgomery explained that it would be useful to have an information point in the village.  Councillors agreed and asked the Councillor to look into possible locations.  This will be an agenda item at the next meeting.

0405/28 Correspondence for Information

All correspondence was noted by Councillors. 

0405/29 Minor items/ Agenda items for the next meeting


0405/30 Date of Next Meeting

The next Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council will be on Monday 21st June 2021.

Meeting Ended: 21.31