20th July 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council

Date: Monday 20th July 2020                       

Venue: via ZOOM

Attendance: Councillors: J.Latham (Chairman), C. Montgomery, M. Crampton, S. Tymoszczuk, C.Hebborn.  Also attending: G. Monks (Clerk) and District Councillor Howitt-Cowan and County Councillor Perraton-Williams.


2007/1 Apologies for absence

Apologies received and accepted from Councillors Annibal, Lee and PCSO McFaul.

20/07/2 Declarations of interest and dispensations from members in accordance with the Local Government

1. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items.  Councillor Latham declared an interest with respect to agenda item 2007/8 due to his wife being on the Village Hall Committee.

2. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items.          None declared

2007/3 Minutes of the Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council held on Monday 22nd June 2020

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Minutes taken on 22nd June 2020.

2007/4 Clerks Report

Councillors noted the report. 

2007/5 Chairman's/ Vice Chairman's report on activities undertaken on behalf of the PC

Nothing to report.

2007/6 Representative Reports

County Council Issues: County Councillor Perraton-Williams reported that the Corringham Road junction improvements will start on 7th September lasting for 3 months; she is pursuing the resurface of Kexby Road where damage has been caused by lorries; a response is awaited about the status of Northalnds Road track by Countryside Access.  The County Councillor will seek an update on progress on the reinstatement of the track to Harpswell.  Councillor Montgomery will send a picture of discarded tarmac on Kexby Road to the County Councillor.

District Council Issues: The report by the District Councillor was noted. Planning Application 141174 may go to Planning Committee in August or September.

Police Report: Nothing reported.

2007/7 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered

141174, Land between Hawthorn Close and Elizabeth Close Glentworth Gainsborough DN21 5ED, erection of 1no. dwellingCouncillors RESOLVED unanimously to ratify the objections sent to the Planning Officer.  These can be found on the Parish Council website.  Councillor Latham will attend the Planning Committee at which this is discussed.

2007/8 Glentworth Village Hall Donation

Councillors RESOLVED  to donate £400 toward the installation cost of  a water softener.

2007/9 Accounts

Councillors RESOLVED to approve the financial report and authorise electronic payments 604 to 606.

            Payee                                                                                                                          Amount

604      G.Monks (salary June 2020)                                                                                          £

605 Paul The Gardener (Pocket Park Maintenance)                                                                    £26.25

606      Glentworth Village Hall (Water softener donation)                                                          £400

2007/10 To receive reports for discussion

Play Area and Pocket Park risk assessment report by the Clerk:  The Clerk reported that the equipment is operationally safe and defibrillator is emergency ready.  

Recreation area project: There has been no significant progress.  Councillor Latham said that a phased delivery may be necessary due to the lack of grants currently.

COVID-19: Councillors agreed that the measures should remain in place.  NALC continues to recommend virtual meetings.

Defibrillator: The Clerk confirmed that one offer of a location for a second defibrillator had been received from the owners of 3 Hawthorne Close.  The Clerk will contact WLDC to arrange a meeting with the owners to establish whether the electrical supply and location is suitable.

Northlands Road Track: The Clerk said that he had updated the TomTom maps database to designate the track as restricted to vehicles.  Countryside Access have done the same on Garmin systems.  Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to purchase 2 450mm ‘no vehicles’ signs and fixings.

Lorries Travelling through Glentworth: Kiely Bros have donated money to a charity in recognition of the impact of lorries travelling through the village.  They have since relocated.

Hogweed Issue: The Hogweed is not thought to be giant Hogweed and therefore should not represent a danger. This will be monitored and added to the jobs list for Highways.

Annual Insurance Renewal: Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to select BHIB recommendation of Aviva at a cost of £343 per year, on a 3 year deal.

Parish Council Website Development: The Clerk provided an overview noting that the new website was necessary to comply with accessibility regulations and the new site should be ready by mid-September.  The transfer of data is being undertaken by the Clerk.

Community Maintenance Groups: Councillors noted the following for inclusion on the list: Silted up cuttings adjacent to highways on Northlands Road and Kexby Road; road surface at the junction of Stoney Lane and Church Street; resurface of St Georges Hill and Hanover Hill; uneven surface of Kexby Road.  Councillors will forward any other suggestions to the Clerk.

Broadband Performance: The Clerk provided an overview of a government backed initiative to improve the broadband connection to households.  The Clerk will invite a representative of Quantum Fibre to the next meeting.

2007/11 Correspondence for Information

All correspondence received was noted. 

2007/12 Minor items/ Agenda items for the next meeting

Items noted in these Minutes will be agenda items at the next meeting.  Councillor Montgomery requested that the Christmas Tree be an agenda item at the next meeting.

2007/13 Date of Next Meeting

The next Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council will be on Monday 7th September 2020.


Meeting Ended: 21.06