29th March 2021 Minutes


Minutes of the Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council

Date: Monday 29th March 2021

Venue: via ZOOM

Attendance: Councillors: J.Latham (Chairman), W. Annibal, C. Montgomery, C.Hebborn, H Fitzpatrick, E Rook, S. Tymoszczuk.  Also attending: G. Monks (Clerk), District Councillor Howitt-Cowan and County Councillor Perraton-Williams.


2903/1 Apologies for absence

Apologies received and accepted from PCSO McFaul.

2903/2 Declarations of interest and dispensations from members in accordance with the Local Government

1. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items.  None declared

2. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items.         None declared

2903/3 Minutes of the Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council held on Monday 15th February 2021

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Minutes taken on 15th February 2021.

2903/4 Clerks Report

Councillors noted the report.

2903/5 Chairman's/ Vice Chairman's report on activities undertaken on behalf of the PC

There was nothing to report.

2903/6 Representative Reports

County Council Issues: The County Councillor reported that pot holes on St Georges Hill had been repaired.  She has also pursued the footpath to Harpswell reinstatement with LCC Countryside Access.  This was discussed further in a later agenda item.

District Council Issues: Councillors thanked the District Councillor for his report which noted that the Local Plan is being refreshed and there is also an initiative to look into installing 75 wind turbines in Lincolnshire.

Police report: There was nothing reported.  Councillor Hebborn reported that he had been made aware of suspicious people knocking on doors.

2903/7 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered

Planning Application: 142616, Land adj 30 Church Street Glentworth Gainsborough DN21 5DJ, erect room in the roof bungalow along with associated access and landscaping works – the Clerk and Chairman will draft a response that objects to the proposed changes.

2903/8 Accounts

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the financial report and authorise electronic payments 630 to 632.

                Payee                                                                                                                                                                   Amount

630 G.Monks (salary February 2021)                                                                                                        £285.46

631 LIVES (Donation)                                                                                                                                      £50

632 LALC (Subscription 2021/22)                                                                                                                                £83.02


Finalise Budget for 2021/22: Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to finalise the budget for 2021/22.

Priority List: Various options for the village were discussed including new seats, litter bins and flowers.

Earmark funds: The Clerk reported that the year-end position will show a surplus of £2,061.  This will be held as a unallocated reserve.

2903/9 To receive reports for discussion

Play Area and Pocket Park risk assessments: The Clerk reported that equipment is operationally safe to use.  The Clerk was asked to cancel the repair to the log walk as new equipment is expected to be installed in due course.   Defibrillators are emergency ready. 

Risk Assessment: Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to accept and adopt Councillor Activities, Risk review, the review of Internal Controls and asset register.

Recreation area project: Councillor Latham provided an update noting that a quote has been requested for a particular large item of equipment and play surface and the budget being worked to is c.£26k-£30k.  Councillors asked about seating and this will be discussed by the project group.

COVID-19: The Clerk stated that the emergency legislation put in place in 2020 that allowed Parish Councils to meet virtually will end on 6th May 2021.  Councillors agreed to have their next meeting on 4th May using ZOOM. 

Northlands Road Track: Councillor Tymoszczuk said he was more than happy to arrange for appropriate flowers to be planted in the planters at either end of the track.  Expenses for this will be submitted to the Clerk for reimbursement. Councillor Montgomery said that Glentworth Scottish Farms plan to improve the surface of half of the track width in due course.  She will check when this may happen.  Concern was raised that the track may deteriorate further.  The Clerk was asked to find reflectors for the troughs so that drivers may see them in the dark.

Speed Indicator Device: Councillors reviewed speed data showing some very high speeds.

LALC Training: Councillors decided not to subscribe to the LALC training scheme for 2021/22.

Footpath to Harpswell: There was a discussion about the next steps to try to ensure that the footpath can be reinstated. Countryside Access have said that the landowner could be approached directly and asked to consider a permissive path that could be withdrawn at any time if necessary. Councillor Montgomery will contact Harpswell Parish Council and request the to pursue this with the landowner. In the meantime Councillor Latham will work on an appeal to the Secretary of State.  An alternate route between Harpswell and Glentworth will also be considered.

Road Signage: Councillor Montgomery asked if a road sign saying no turning could be arranged for the north end of Church Street.  County Councillor Perraton Williams will ask LCC Highways.  Councillor Latham also asked for ‘Playground signs’ near the Village Hall area.

2903/10 Correspondence for Information

All correspondence received was noted. 

2903/11 Minor items/ Agenda items for the next meeting

There was nothing noted.

2903/12 Date of Next Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held at 7pm on Tuesday 4th May 2021 followed by the Annual Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council at 7.30pm using ZOOM.


Meeting Ended: 21.14