29th June 2022 Minutes


Minutes of the Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council

Date: Monday 29th June 2022   

Venue: Glentworth Village Hall

Attendance: Councillors: J. Latham, S. Tymoszczuk, C. Montgomery, H Fitzpatrick, E. Rook, C. Hebborn.  Also attending: G. Monks (Clerk), District Councillor Howitt-Cowan


2906/1 Apologies for absence

Apologies received and accepted from Councillor W. Annibal, PCSO McFaul and County Councillor C. Perraton-Williams.

2906/2 Declarations of interest and dispensations from members in accordance with the Local Government

1. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items.  None declared

2. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items.         None declared

2906/3 Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council held on Wednesday 11th May 2022

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Minutes taken on 11th May 2022.

2906/4 Clerks Report

Councillors noted the report. 

2906/5 Chairman's/ Vice Chairman's report on activities undertaken on behalf of the PC

The Chairman reported that he had met with the Clerk to discuss agenda items and noted the Highways issues in the village.

2906/6 Representative Reports

County Council Issues: There was no report. 

District Council Issues: The District Councillor provided a report on recent West Lindsey issues. He also provided an update about the fire at Hemswell and the outcome of the appeal for the Forge in Hemswell.

Police report: No incidents have been reported.

2906/7 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered:

144962, 2, Church Street, Glentworth, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 5DG, driveway alterations, raised front patio area and side porch – no comments recorded.

Hawthorne Close – the situation with the development site was discussed.  The Clerk was asked to contact Anglian Water to see if any action has been taken with respect to the rising main.

2906/8 Data Protection Fee

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to pay the data protection fee of £40.

2906/9 Payroll Accountants

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to transfer from DI Accountants to DG Accountants and accept the first year discounted fee.

2906/10 Accounts

Councillors RESOLVED to approve the financial report and approve electronic payments 676 to 682.

                Payee                                                                                                                                                                   Amount

676 Allen Signs Ltd (Pocket Park Lecturn)                                                                                                               £816.67

677         G. Monks (May 2022 salary)                                                                                                                       

678         Paul The Gardener (Pocket Park Maintenance)                                                                                   £37.50

679 Paul The Gardener (Pocket Park Maintenance)                                                                                          £20

680 Information Commissioner (Data Protection Fee)                                                                      £40

681 HM Revenue & Customs (PAYE Q1)                                                                                                  £16.20

682 Charles Hebborn (Reimbursement Pkt Pk Tree)                                                                                          £89.90

2906/11 To receive reports for discussion

Play Area and Pocket Park risk assessment Report by the Clerk:  The Clerk reported that the play park equipment was operationally safe to use, however, there are some cracks opening up on the wooden parts.  The defibrillators are emergency ready.

Recreation area project: The Clerk updated Councillors on progress and that the installation will start in late July.  The Clerk will request the Village Hall Co-op grant funds to be transferred to the Parish Council accounts.

Village Noticeboard: The Clerk reported that it is due to be delivered in 4-5 weeks’ time.

Platinum Jubilee: Councillor Hebborn said the events had been a success.  A tree has been purchased for Pocket Park for £89.90.  A quote has been obtained of c£500 for an ecologist report of the pocket park pond.  There is a grant offered by Lincolnshire County Council that may cover this cost.

IGas Oil Wells: The proposal was discussed and Councillors noted the need for screening, tree planting, traffic flows and a community fund.  The Clerk will establish the exact location of the proposed well.

Village Hall Payment of the Clerk: Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to invoice Glentworth Village Hall for 2 hours extra per month and this is subject to a 6 month review.

Actions from Annual Parish Meeting: None.

2906/12 Correspondence for Information

All correspondence was noted by Councillors. There was discussion about the Tilbridge Solar proposals and concerns were raised about size and scale of the proposal, the impact on the visual amenity from the Cliff, and the impact on wildlife.

2906/13 Minor items/ Agenda items for the next meeting

The dog poo bin at the Coachroad Hill end of the Northlands Road track is in a poor condition and the bin at the Church Street end is too small.  The Clerk will report this to West Lindsey District Council.  The Clerk was also asked if the poo bin on Stoney Lane can be moved to the Village Hall side of the road.

2906/14 Date of Next Meeting

The next Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council will be on Wednesday 14th September 2022.



Meeting Ended: 20.56