8th January 2025 Minutes

Glentworth Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council


Date: Wednesday 8th January 2025        

Venue: Glentworth Village Hall

Attendance: Councillors: J. Latham, W.Annibal, C. Montgomery, E. Rook, C. Hebborn, S. Pickering-Paterson and L. Garbutt. Also attending: G. Monks (Clerk) & Paul Howitt-Cowan (District Councillor)



08/01/1 Apologies for absence


08/01/2 Declarations of interest and dispensations from members in accordance with the Local Government

1. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items.  None declared

2. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items.          None declared

08/01/3 Minutes of the Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council held on Wednesday 20th November 2024

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Minutes taken on 20th November 2024.

08/01/4 Chairman and Vice Chairmans report

The recent flooding issues were discussed.  Any complaint by a resident should be lodged with Anglian Water, copying in the Parish Council.  The Clerk will endeavour to invite a representative of Anglian Water to a future meeting.  The County Council flood team have been contacted by Mr Davey.  The District Councillor chairs a flooding and drainage committee.  The Clerk will send him the details.

08/01/5 Representative Reports

District Council: The District Councillor presented a report which noted that the Chief Executive of WLDC will be leaving in June and the Chancellor of the Exchequer will also leave; the new cinema in Gainsborough is hoped to open in Spring this year; there will be County and Mayoral elections in May; WLDC are in the process of trying to purchase Scampton base.

County Council: None.

Police: None

08/01/6 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered:

WL/2024/00638, Glentworth Hall Northlands Road, Glentworth, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 5DL, change of use of dwelling and grounds to holiday let/group accommodation – appeal noted.

08/01/7 Accounts

Councillors RESOLVED to approve the financial report and approve electronic payment e772 to e777.  The Chairman signed the bank statement to confirm the balance of £26,664 at 30/12/24.

                                Payee                                                                                                                                                                    Amount

e772      G. Monks                                             November 2024 salary and backpay                                         £481.48

e773      G. Monks                                             December 2024 salary                                                                   £385.40

e774      HMRC                                                   PAYE Q3                                                                                                £27.40

e775      Smith of Derby                                  Clock Service                                                                                      £274.80

e776      Lincolnshire County Council         Speed pole erection                                                                         £200

e777      Glendale Countrysdie Ltd              Grass cut                                                                                              £33.60


Budgetary items 2025.26 and final precept:  Councillors reviewed the draft budget and RESOLVED unanimously to request a 3% increase in precept being £11,245.54.  the Clerk will submit the final precept request to WLDC.

Savings Account: Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to apply for a 35 day notice savings account with Natwest.

08/01/8 To receive reports for discussion

Play Area and Pocket Park risk assessment report by the Clerk:  The Clerk provided a report noting that the play equipment was operationally safe and the defibrillators are emergency ready.  A quote is awaited for the repairs to the swings.

Solar Proposals: Councillor Garbutt reported that there will be hearings on 14/1 and 15/1 and Councillor Latham will attend at the first one to convey the concerns of the Parish Council.

LALC subscription 2025/26: Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to renew the subscription for the forthcoming period.

LALC Annual Training Scheme subscription 2025.26: Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to renew the subscription for the forthcoming period.

Facebook page and Whatsapp: Councillors congratulated Councillor Rook on the new Facebook page for the Parish Council. The Clerk will amend the link from the Parish Council website.  Councillors agreed to also set up a Whatsapp group for Councillors in order to quickly message each other where required.  This will not be used for confidential matters.

Parishioner complaint Hanover Hill and Bus Stop: The Clerk will check whether LCC have taken any action over the Hanover Hill footpath.  The Clerk will also obtain quotes for cleaning the footpath and the bus stop.  It was also agreed that there should be a community action day in Spring where the community are invited to spend time in the village improving its appearance and any minor maintenance tasks.

Christmas Tree: Arrangements for the removal and disconnection of the tree and lights have been made.  Councillors agreed that the Parish Council should make arrangements for the tree order and delivery in future for insurance liability purposes.  Councillor Montgomery will inspect the tree hole and recommend any improvements that can be made.

08/01/9 Correspondence for Information

The Clerk noted that there is now a new enforcement team at WLDC that will patrol villages in order to identify anti-social behaviour including dog fouling.  Councillor Rook will add this to the Facebook page.

08/01/10 Minor items/ Agenda items for the next meeting


08/01/11 Date of Next Meeting

The next Parish Council Meeting will be on Wednesday 19th February 2025.


Meeting Ended: 21.26