3rd July 2024 Minutes

Glentworth Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council


Date: Wednesday 3rd July 2024

Venue: Glentworth Village Hall

Attendance: Councillors: J. Latham, W.Annibal, C. Montgomery, E. Rook, C. Hebborn, S. Pickering-Paterson and L. Garbutt. Also attending: G. Monks (Clerk) and Paul Howitt-Cowan (District Councillor).


0307/1 Apologies for absence


0307/2 Declarations of interest and dispensations from members in accordance with the Local Government

1. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items.  None declared

2. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items.          None declared

0307/4 Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council held on Wednesday 22nd May 2024

Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Minutes taken on 22nd May 2024.

0307/5 Clerks Report

Councillors noted the report. The Clerk will arrange for the speed sign on Hanover Hill to be moved to the opposing side of the road.

0307/6 Chairman's/ Vice Chairman's report on activities undertaken on behalf of the PC


0307/7 Representative Reports

County Council: None.

District Council: The report by District Councillor Howitt-Cowan was noted

Police report: There were no new incidents recorded.

0307/8 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered:

Glentworth Hall – District Councillor Howitt-Cowan agreed to pursue the outstanding planning application with West Lindsey District Council planning.  Councillor Latham will draft a complaint letter.

0307/9 Accounts

Councillors RESOLVED to approve the financial report and approve electronic payments e752-e757.  A Councillor signed the bank statement to confirm the balance of £33.307.55 at 30/5/24.

                                Payee                                                                                                                                                                    Amount

e752      G.Monks (May 2024 salary)                                                                                                                         £            

e753      Mark Egan (Pocket Park Maintenance)                                                                                                    £57

e754      G.Monks (June 2024 salary)                                                                                                                         £

e755      Smith of Derby (Clock repair)                                                                                                                       £210

e756      Mark Egan (Pocket Park maintenance)                                                                                                     £28.50

e757      Information Commissioner (Data Protection fee)                                                                 £40


Savings accounts: Councillors agreed that the Clerk should circulate options for savings accounts to hold reserves.

0307/10 To receive reports for discussion

Play Area and Pocket Park risk assessment Report by the Clerk:  The Clerk reported that the play park equipment was operationally safe and the defibrillators are emergency ready. The annual play area inspection has been arranged.

Insurance renewal: The Clerk noted that the insurance renewal premium had not yet been received, however, there is a 3 year deal in place.  A competitive quote from Zurich quoted £437.  The Clerk will circulate the renewal terms when they are received.

Solar Proposals: There was discussion about the Tillbridge solar proposal.  The Clerk will circulate draft wording for agreement by Councillors, which will be submitted as part of the registration on the Planning Inspectorate site. 

Pocket Park maintenance quotes: Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to select Glendale Countryside to undertake grass and hedge cuts at Pocket Park.

Village Hall park maintenance: The Clerk explained the quotations received from Glendale Countryside for a grass cut around the Village Hall grounds, a weed kill of the parking area and a cut of the hedge adjacent to Stoney Lane.  Councillors RESOLVED unanimously to propose to the Village Hall Committee that the Parish Council will pay for a hedge cut.  The quotations will be sent to them.

Parishioner complaint – hedges: Councillors asked the Clerk to send a friendly letter to households on Kexby Road to request that they cut back their hedges to allow pedestrians more room on the footpath.  The Clerk will also contact the Group Retreats maintenance manager to request that the Northlands Road track hedge is cut back.

Speed Indicator Device Location: Locations on Kexby Road were discussed.  The Clerk will send the preferences to Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership noting that the preferred location is opposite the sewage works entrance.

0307/11 Correspondence for Information

All correspondence was noted by Councillors.

0307/12 Minor items/ Agenda items for the next meeting


0307/13 Date of Next Meeting

The next Parish Council Meeting will be on Wednesday 4th September 2024.


Meeting Ended: 20.49