4th September 2024 Agenda



   The Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council will take place at Glentworth Village Hall on

Wednesday 4th September 2024 commencing at 7.30 pm


Public participation – members of the public are invited to join the meeting

Members of the public may raise subjects which they wish to bring to the attention of the Parish Council. Items relating

to matters on the agenda will be taken first and any decisions will be made when the meeting is declared opened.  The

time will be restricted to 15 minutes maximum unless the council decides otherwise.  Listeners should note that

decisions cannot be made at this meeting on items not on the agenda.



0409/1                 Apologies for absence

0409/2                 Declaration of Interest

•              To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.

•              To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.

0409/3 Minutes of the Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council held on the 3rd July 2024 to be approved as a true record

0409/4                 Clerk’s report

0409/5                 Chairman’s/ Vice Chairman’s report on activities undertaken on behalf of the PC

0409/6                 Representative reports

•              County Council Issues

•              District Council Issues

•              Police statistics

0409/7 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered: WL/2024/00638, Glentworth Hall Northlands Road, Glentworth, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 5DL, change of use of dwelling and grounds to holiday let/group accommodation.  WL/2024/00108, Land adjacent to 3 St Georges Hill Glentworth Gainsborough Lincolnshire DN21 5DB, erect 1no. dormer bungalow with associated access  and landscaping works - withdrawn

0409/8                 Accounts

•              To receive the financial report

•              To approve payments for: G. Monks (July 2024 salary), G. Monks (August 2024 salary), Glendale Countryside Ltd (Pocket Park maintenance) £33.60, Clear Insurance Management Ltd (Insurance premium) £437.17, Playsafety Ltd (Play area risk assessment) £93.60, West Lindsey District Council (Defibrillator maintenance Hawthorne) £106, West Lindsey District Council (Defibrillator maintenance Village Hall) £106

•              Savings accounts Agreement of signatories

•              External Audit Update

•              Budgetary items 2025/26 Reminder

0409/9                 To receive reports/updates for discussion

•              Play Area and Pocket Park risk assessments Annual risk assessment review

•              Solar Proposals Tillbridge Update

•              Village Hall maintenance Update

•              Insurance renewal Ratify decision to renew

•              Remembrance Wreath Decision whether to order a wreath

0409/10              Correspondence for Information

•              Tillbridge Solar (20/8/24)

•              WLDC Funding (29/8/24)

0409/11              Minor items/ Agenda items for the next meeting

0409/12              Date of Next Meeting 9th October 2024

                                (Date to notify Clerk of agenda items 5th October 24)


G Monks                                                                                              30th August 2024