30th March 2020 Agenda
The Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council will take place via SKYPE on Monday 30th March 2020 commencing at 7.30 pm
Public participation
There will be no public session.
3003/1 Apologies for absence
3003/2 Declaration of Interest
- To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.
- To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
3003/3 Minutes of the Meeting of Glentworth Parish Council held on the 24th February 2020 to be approved as a true record
3003/4 Clerk’s report
3003/5 Chairman’s/ Vice Chairman’s report on activities undertaken on behalf of the PC
3003/6 Representative reports
- County Council Issues
- District Council Issues
- Police report
3003/7 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered: None
3003/8 Accounts
- To receive the financial report
- To approve payments for: G.Monks (March 2020 salary), G.Monks (February 2020 salary), LALC (2020/21 subscription) £85.22; LALC (2020/21 Training subscription) £90; Paul The Gardener (Pocket Park Maintenance 9/1 & 1/3) £70; L C Printing Services (Neighbourhood Plan leaflets) £120; Glentworth Village Hall (Room costs) £108; Smith of Derby (Clock service) £232.80
3003/9 To receive reports/updates for discussion
- Play Area and Pocket park risk assessment Report by the Clerk
- Recreation Area project Update
- COVID-19 Decision to adopt special measures
- Community support Agreement how to support vulnerable and elderly
- Website change
3003/10 Correspondence for Information
- West Lindsey Lottery (circ 24/3)
- Northlands Road (circ 24/3)
- Dog fouling consultation (circ 24/3)
- Service disruption (circ 24/3)
- COVID-19 guidance for councillors
3003/11 Minor items/ Agenda items for the next meeting
3003/12 Date of Next Meeting
G Monks 23rd March 2020