141044 - Land adjacent to 2 Church Street
My Council has the following comments/objections to make on the proposal:
Glentworth Parish Council (GPC) wishes to make three comments on this application:
1. The Council OBJECTS to the granting of a renewal to the application 135838. The Council’s objections to development on this location were set out in our response to that application and reiterated in our objection to application 140077 relating to Plot 2 on this site. In addition to the original objections, the Glentworth Neighbourhood Plan, endorsed by the District Council, makes clear the significance attached by residents to views and the vista across the village both to and from the cliff edge. Any development at this location will detrimentally impact on those views, and reflecting the views of local residents, we believe should not be approved.
2. In addition to our objections based on the Neighbourhood Plan, the Council remains concerned about the scale of development and the impact on access to the existing houses, the use of the track and the volume of traffic that will be generated.
3. Notwithstanding our objections, should the Local Planning Authority decide to grant the renewal of this application we would expect that all the conditions attached to the consent for 135838 and those for 140077 that pertain to the whole site are retained to any renewal. The Council would further request that an additional condition be attached to the effect that this will be the only and last renewal permitted and that in the event that the site has not been developed 3 years hence, the consent will not be further extended.
As a more general point the Parish Council is concerned that the LPA should give proper weight to the Glentworth Neighbourhood Plan in considering applications but that this may not be happening. The Neighbourhood Plan reflects the collective views of the residents of the village and was, as you will appreciate, the outcome from thorough consultation and debate. Throughout the process, residents were fully engaged in identifying their wishes for the village and the support for the policies is best evidenced by the result of the referendum. In small villages such as Glentworth, the location of development is as important, in fact potentially more important, than the quantum. The Neighbourhood Plan and the Parish Council’s response to applications for new housing reflects our acknowledgement that there will be growth in the village; in fact, we welcome the opportunity for the village to grow but in a sensitive and appropriate manner.
The consideration of applications that impact directly on the policy choices of residents suggests that, despite their expressed wishes, insufficient consideration is being given to the Neighbourhood Plan. The Parish Council shares this concern and would urge the LPA to ensure that residents can be assured that their efforts in supporting the Neighbourhood Plan were not wasted.
Signed GMonks Date 16/6/20